2001 Worthington Trailer (Model WU-6412)

Listing Number: 20764294 | Nazareth, PA US | Plainfield Township 0 Seller's Other Auctions

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Auction Ended:

Final Bid:



50 Bids

Auction Details

Starting Bid: $100.00
Current Price: $1,075.00  
Buy Now Price $0.00
No Reserve   
Buyer's Fee: 9.00%
Start Date
End Date  [Extended]
Bid History 50 Bid(s)  
High Bidder g*****w
Page Views 3063

Payment Details

All bids shall be accepted on the condition that the purchase price shall be paid by the high bidder immediately or at a reasonable time after the conclusion of the electronic auction as determined by the Township. Successful bidders must be prepared to pay the amount due as a certified check or money order made payable to Plainfield Township upon acceptance of the successful bid. In the event that shipping costs are incurred, they shall be paid by the successful bidder. The bidder is responsible for all transfer costs associated with the sale of the vehicles and/or equipment, including any applicable sales tax. There are no warranties expressed or implied or no refunds; all listed vehicles and/or equipment are being offered for sale in their current condition. Plainfield Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids received if the bids are believed to be less than the fair market value of the property

Item Description


2,400 lbs




Additional information on this Auction

Custom ID Worthington Trailer
Will Item results be voted on Yes
Date of voting Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Will you ship this item No. Pickup only.
In person item inspection information Private inspections are by appointment only. Please call the Township Office at 610-759-6944 to inspect the vehicle.
Vehicle has a transferable title Yes

Questions/Answers Ask the seller a question about this auction.

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"length & Width? Does it have sides or ramps that come with it? Thanks. "
- Asked by #571768 03/18/2019 11:09 AM
Length: 12 feet; Width: 6 feet 3 inches. It is a tilt trailer.
-Answered on 03/18/2019 07:14 AM
"Any issues with trailer? Good tires, everything ok to a go? Thanks"
- Asked by #571768 03/19/2019 02:21 PM
The trailer is in working order.
-Answered on 03/19/2019 11:01 AM
"Do you have the title in hand for this trailer ready to be transferred into the high biddder's name (transfer fees at buyers expense)?"
- Asked by #21150935 03/21/2019 01:51 PM
-Answered on 03/21/2019 09:54 AM
"Does the trailer have a plywood or aluminum floor? It looks like plywood in the pictures but I wanted to make sure. Thanks."
- Asked by #21150935 03/28/2019 09:55 PM
The trailer has a plywood deck. (edited on 03/29/2019 08:35 AM)
-Answered on 03/29/2019 04:35 AM

Item location This location is a general area based on the sellers zip code. It is not the specific address where the item is located.